I found this review on Yahoo and agreed with almost all of it. Thought #38 was pretty funny.
Madison really wants to see it. Maybe after a few dozen times of seeing the movie it will start to grow on me. One can always hope.
1. The movie was uninformative enough to keep non-readers thoroughly confused.
2. The lines were cute in the book, but corny and forced in the movie.
3. The movie is hardly ever in Bella's perspective, so we are emotionally unattached.
4. Because of that attachment, it's impossible to understand the sudden friendship, hatred, and obsession.
5. The acting was... lets face it... horrendous.
6. The facial expressions used were nearly comical when they were to be dramatic
7. The main characters were monotone.
8. While the good, emotional, and overall better actors were lost in the background.
9. The audience was lost on weather to believe dramatic moments were SUPPOSED to be funny or not.
10. You never find out about the character's pasts.
11. Because of that, non-readers are left off confused about characters.
12. Bella can't seem to handle the concept of "happy" or "upset"
13. The only emotions she was good at were "monotone" "seizure" and "screaming in agony"
14. Many major scenes were cut out to help shorten the film.
15. And even with that, they felt the need to expand the prom scene too much.
16. And add in the hideous "spider-monkey" scene
16.... and not even touch the subject of why Bella was pissed at Edward in the beginning. (The "Why didn't you just let the van crush me" scene)
17. Movies are expensive.
18. The "spider-monkey" scene
19. The special effects were only good for one scene.
20. Edward climbed up the trees like a squirrel on crack.
21. The movements that were supposed to symbolize the vampires moving quickly looked fake.
20. Slow motion was abused to DEATH in this movie.
21. Overacting
22. Stupid, pointless scenes that made people laugh instead of feel drama (the part where Edward is passing Billy and they stare like each others heads are on fire)
23. The emotions in the face are meant for 5 year-old's who can't read emotions without having them thrown into their face like an emotional brick.
24. The camera angles are awkward and choppy.
25. The camera seems to zoom in on their faces to the point where you can't tell what they're doing at all.
26. Bella and Edward's relationship was reduced to that of bare acquaintances.
27. ... and then the audience was somehow supposed to believe that they were friends at some point. ("Bella, we shouldn't be friends")
28. ... and then somehow switch to them being madly in love without any indicators of that ever happening ("I don't have the strength to leave you alone anymore")
30. The meadow scene in general was a complete disaster. What once was the favorite part of the book for many teenage girls was reduced to Edward jumping around awkwardly and Bella saying random lines that were so forced it was funny.
31. Bella blinks WAY TOO MUCH. I'm not even being OCD about it. I had several people mention it after the premiere about how much they hated the fact that Bella had fluttering eyelids throughout the whole movie.
32. Bella was very awkward in the beginning.
33. And then the whole movie seemed to become awkward by the end.
34. Bella and Edward looked more like a couple that their parents were forcing them on a play-date together.
33. Edward's face had so much caked-on makeup it was disgusting and there are brief scenes where you can see makeup lines.
34. Edward's lips change from normal to looking like he had eaten a cherry popsicle.
35. Edward had on a hideous amount of eye-liner.
36. Bella's hospital scene where she was "bandaged, bruised, etc..." was reduced to nothing more than her lying in a bed with a small piece of tubing on her nose.
37. Carlisle looked as if his face was 40% plastic, 10% body oil, and 40% Botox.
38. Jasper looked like a scared transvestite with Barbie-doll hair.
39. All of the admired characters that had decent acting skills were shoved into the background.
40. It seemed as if they were supposed to include the eyes being a big impact, but it was hard to ever tell the difference between when they were red or gold. They mostly just looked black.
41. In the book, it was slightly adorable and slightly creepy that Edward watched Bella as she slept. In the movie, it was beyond creepy.
42. It went from "I know you're a vampire." straight to "Look! I'm more sparkly than a drag queen!"
43. The lines were awkward, even for the audience.
44. Aka "Hold on tight spider-monkey"
45. A Broadway show is less obvious with their harnesses and wires to keep people flying. This movie was so obvious with the "climbing-up-a-tree" scene.
46. The action scenes seemed to be the only scenes where there was good acting.
47. When Edward suggests he should leave Bella (at the end) her eyes blink so much it makes me think of strobe lights, and her limbs start twitching like she's having a seizure.
48. The music seemed to be forced and misplaced at inopportune moments.
49. Accents were too hard to drop and there were moments where Edward was suddenly British.
50. It seemed to be more of a giant spoof on the book rather than a tasteful representation.
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Mike and I couldn't agree with this more.
Unfortunately I'll have to agree. The part where Edward and Billy stare at each other, Syd and I laughed out loud. No one else in the theater did. I think if they had done a better job and made it longer, they still would have had the fan following. I really, really, really wanted to love it. They should have had Stephenie write the screenplay, it might have been better. Oh well, it won't make me not like the books. I really hope they don't ever try to make The Host a movie.
Hay Cutie, The review was the next post below the picture, you didn't go down far enough, do you think I could resist not telling all.. ;)
I totally agree with all you said! The first part of the movie was just awkward and weird, then I started to get into it, Jaspers intense look was so funny to me, then when he finally relaxed his face, it was fine. I did laugh in to many places that were not meant to be funny. But it was fun and I will definatly see the next one, if they make another. Im still not crazy about the actor choice for Bella and Edward. Maybe the next one they will get a different director and a few of the cast members. LOVE YOU ALL!
IM SHOCKED! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!!! I thought they did a really great job, and I think you had to go into not comparing it too much to the book. I loved loved loved it.
So the first night I saw it w/ C I was HUGELY disappointed b/c of all the screaming girls at every sight of Edward (who I have to say I heart Rob in this role) or at the kissing scene (garr...that is why I chose the latest show)...and plus I was so bummed about how it turned out I had to see it again just to give it a fair shot. So I went again and while it is alright the second time around I just kept thinking "I COMPLETELY hope they recast Bella!!!" Did Kristen even READ the book? Also from the interviews I have seen/read she appears to be completely ungrateful in winning this role...stick to indies hun and leave the role to someone who will appreciate it! Okay my two cents...maybe four.
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